Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well, Halloween was a blast. My favorite holiday of the year and we did it up right. Paden dressed as his namesake - a cowboy, and on cue performed trick after trick, never stopping to ask for a treat. Lot's of Yee-Haw's and Bang-Bangs. He was a hit on the streets of Port Townsend for the big parade. Forrest and I felt like Brad Pitt's entourage and he would ride off into crowds of people taking photos - leaving us behind to wonder what his future holds.

Followed that up with a party at our place with some close friends. Informal dinner and drinks. We promised the crowd Hot Buttered Rums, and instead poured everyone a nice warm cup of almond tart filling that looked nearly identical, but the taste paled in comparison! As one guest said, "our treat was really a trick!"

Super busy at the office and I am juggling more work from home, answering some patient phone calls from here while Paden naps and doing a bunch of marketing for some new offerings. Business is good and we are very fortunate for that.

We leave for Panama on December 8th for two and a half weeks. A trip we have planned and cancelled on two other occasions, so we are really excited to finally make the trek. A journey that should help us solidify some of our plans for the future as eventually we would like to spend a few months each year in a foreign country.

The Pumpkin Patch in Oregon with Aunt Kristin and Uncle Nome

The last day for the park this year....

October also brought a visit from Minze and Pop-Pop and cousin Alexis!

Celebrating Alexis's 11th Birthday with Grandma and Grandpa